Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 17

This was the final week before mid terms so we did some important reviewing. I beilive it was this week (this class is so interesting that i can never remeber what week we did the most fun activity) that we launched the rocket both horizontally and vertically off the roof. This test was very interesting because it showed that an object being launched upward and an object being lauched horizontally go the same dostance at the same time. I was the one who had to retrieve the rocket it and measure it, abd it turned out to be 150ft out. So that means the rocket went a 150ft high. Thats maybe is the reason people are able to measure how far a bullet can be fired upward without literally going up 10,000 ft in the sky. After that test, we began going over graphs and equations that not only apply to the unit were learning but the mid term, so it was really important to pay good attention this week. We also did a fun activity with some fluffy angry bird toys. We had to be able to drop a ball off a ramp and land on the angry bird that was on the ground in front of the ramp. It was a good test for me because it helped me practice being able to judge how far an object will move when being let go at a certain position I.E how to position the ball on the ramp. There wasnt really anything this week that confused me, in fact ifound myself raising my hand and correcting alot of people that had the wrong answer for a question Mr. Abud asked. A useful concept i learned from this week is how to position something, as said before. So if i ever want to time a water ballon drop from the top of my house to a unsuspecting victim below,Mr. Abud taught me how. All in all i think i can safely say that i understand almost every concept we learned this semester to a good extent, and i have faith that i have not forgotten any of it. I feel very confident about this mid term, so bring it. Im not scared. Well a little, but not enough to make me cry.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Week 14

This week we learned about how unbalanced forces act on a free falling object. We learned that no matter how much an object weighed, it will Fall at the same rate wither a lighter or heavier object. This was really interesting because i figured that a heavier object will always drop faster, but after dueig a test on Monday with a bowling ball and lacross ball, i learned that i was wrong. The next day we took an assesment on acceleration that went well, but i may have made some silly mistakes that could cost my grade. I felt tht doing an actual test outside was more helpful because i was constantly questioning weither the lessons we were learnong are ALWAYS correct. I question alot of stuff. We then began using acceleration Arrows, which are pretty much a dot with an arrow at the end and with each sorter arrow, it represented it was slowing down. If the arrows were longer than it indicated it was speeding up. I understood that pretty easily because it makes sense that the longer the arrow, the more distance has been traveled in the same amount of time. This week had alot to due with using the info we learned from an experiment to use it on a graph, which made it easier and more fun to do. Hopefully the next upcoming weeks, we do similar tests to furthur help our understanding of a unit. I didnt have any problems this week with anything, which is good!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Week 12.

Success! My groups bridge didnt break! This week we finally tested our bridge and it worked perfectly. After the testing of the bridge, we moved on to review. Our older units and refresh our memory on velocity. In our groups we white boarded force diagrams for all sorts of different scenerios. Force diagrams were overall pretty easy for me to understand. As long as all the concepts of how forces act on an object are understood, then the rest of the concepts are easy. We were introduced to a reading device that tracked the velocity of an object (car) dropped down the ramp and plotted its own graph for the info. It was really hard to keep the car straight amd the graph would always come up unaccuratly because of it. We had a sub in this week, and on tht day we had the biggest party ever. Completly insane, i cant even remeber it. We graphed and white boarded so much data that it blew my mind. Kidding, no party, but we stayed on task, white boarded some data that we were gathering from the worksheets given to us that week. Again, a very useful and simple to grasp concept week. Didnt really have any trouble with any thing, besides a little graphing but that was worked out. We were using our previous concept، velocity, alot through out this week to help graph our position vs time graphs. Alot of recapped info, but everything we learned in the beginning is now becoming very useful, not that it wasnt before, now its just more useful!

Week 10

This week we learned about foroce pairs. I found this a very easy subject to understand due to the fact that it has a simply concept. When two forces are equal but pushing in opposite directions and are connected, thats a force pair. For example, when me and Steven arm wrestled, thats a force pair. We pushing equally in opposite directions. Non force pairs would be like me pushing a csr. Theres more force coming from me thsn the force of the car pushing back. See, simple. We then began to review for our assesment on Friday, in which we were given a review sheet (helped alot) and we did a white board activity on different standards on the assesment. I felt that i was pretty prepared for the assesment as i was constantly looking over the review sheet given to us, plus we did alot of demonstrations which are very usefull to A visual learner like Myself. Something i found really interesting this week was that no matter how much an objected weighed, it exerted the exact same force as an opposing object in an equal amount. Both objects will exhert different amounts of presure, but the same force to each other. Overall, i felt pretty prepared this week and the assesment should be a breeze.

Week 15 reflection (remake)

This week i believe was the week before break. This was the week were we accomplished the mouse trap cars. For my groups car, i decided to use a small peice of wood, two axles (locked), and decided for light weight-more traction purposes, i would use the back of paper cups as tires. I covered the tires with rubber bands for added traction. We used a high tech traction control system devolped by Jeep, which gave 25% equal power to all 4 wheels, as well as a new devolped form of a locking differential to keep all 4 tires from spinning and losing traction as well as a 4:1 transfer case ratio for added crawl momentum. Ok, maybe we didnt do all that, but we did put alot of thought into traction. The car itself was well devolped, but it didnt have enough power. No tires slip (thanks to the high tech traction control) but didnt gain too much speed. A crucial part to this experiment as well as to any experiment is the data that goes along with. This is where things got a little confusing. We used the graphing accelerameter to conduct experiments of the metal car going down the ramp. We plotted all the data and it was straight forward, but it was difficult for me atleast to find how much acceleration the car was pickong up, and the formula to find it. Eventually i did figure it out, but for the time being i was still confused. Thats why i think i did so Poorly on the assesment. Overall, a productive week. I did miss foday so i did not see the performancr of our car, but hopefully it was good.

Week 6 (remake)

This week we did multiple tests about velocity and forces. In the beginning of the week, we did the "T Bone Challenge" where we had to release both buggies at the right time in order to have them in hit in the middle. This experiment helped learn how if a certain objects are a cerain distance away and are let go at certain times, they can create a T-Bone. Later this week, we bagan to learn about forces. We learned that what some one weights isnt the content on their body, but the force the earth is exsserting on their mass. An objects mass is what an object is made of. The weight of an object is the force pulling it down, so no matter what your mass is, you will always be a certain weight. At the end of the week we began useing "forceometers." They measure the amount of force an objects exherting onto another object. The tools use Newtons, a measurement of force. For ever 100 grams,it is 1 newton. For being a shortened week, it was still pretty productive. A fellow student reminded me of what we did this week and i still have pretty good memory of it, which means i learned something interesting. We did some graphs (yuck) but it helped in understanding how forces acted on one another, and how to properly measure force. Theres always the dirty unfun work needed to obtain the knowledge to do the fun exciting stuff.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 16

Through out this week, we looked at how to graph and keep track of acceleration from any given object, in this case a rocket. We watched as a rocket was launched into the air in almost a straight line, and came back down the same way. We learned that in optimul conditions, any object that goes up, comes back down in the exact speed and direction. When graphed, it looked similar to this: _-_ on a V vs T graph. _- -_ We learned that the exact half of the time taken for the whole trip of the rocket is spent going up, and the other half is spend on the decend. I found all this information useful, because of alot of the activites i participate in involve knowing how objects accelerat in the upward direction. For instance, when a friend and i are in my back yard with a big bundle of bottle rockets, we can look up and see that there is a small gap between the trees that would allow the rocket to safley go up. We now know that when the rocket goes up, it will come down in the same direction at the exact same time. Unfortunatly, we didnt count on the wind that was out that day so im not going into detail on that story. We also learned how to grapgh out the acceleration a rocket gains as its flying through the air. We learned that in most cases of the examples we were learning, the rocket accelerated 10M/S/S which means that for every second, the rocket goes 10m/s faster. So its moving 10m/s, then 20M/s then 30m/s, then back to 10m/s etc as its going back down towards Earth. I found this week very productive for me atleast because the info was very easy to understand and it was something i was espeacially interested in. It was an all new topic, which is why i was very excited about this week.