Friday, January 18, 2013

Week 14

This week we learned about how unbalanced forces act on a free falling object. We learned that no matter how much an object weighed, it will Fall at the same rate wither a lighter or heavier object. This was really interesting because i figured that a heavier object will always drop faster, but after dueig a test on Monday with a bowling ball and lacross ball, i learned that i was wrong. The next day we took an assesment on acceleration that went well, but i may have made some silly mistakes that could cost my grade. I felt tht doing an actual test outside was more helpful because i was constantly questioning weither the lessons we were learnong are ALWAYS correct. I question alot of stuff. We then began using acceleration Arrows, which are pretty much a dot with an arrow at the end and with each sorter arrow, it represented it was slowing down. If the arrows were longer than it indicated it was speeding up. I understood that pretty easily because it makes sense that the longer the arrow, the more distance has been traveled in the same amount of time. This week had alot to due with using the info we learned from an experiment to use it on a graph, which made it easier and more fun to do. Hopefully the next upcoming weeks, we do similar tests to furthur help our understanding of a unit. I didnt have any problems this week with anything, which is good!

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